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Kit is a heroic majin, but best known for his short temper.


Kit is a large mass of brown fur, who typically resembles little more than a large, shaggy lump. However, he will shapeshift into a humanoid form when it's time to fight. He wears a mask which resembles a traditional Japanese kitsune mask; underneath, his face is fox-like, with Ultra-like glowing eyes. He has a single tail, tipped in red and white, that can split into as many as nine if he wishes.


Kit was originally a member of a mammalian race from a planet that worshipped and embraced darkness, but not evil. He was born to a bloodline of great warriors, and was expected to be a born winner; however, despite receiving an immensely powerful magical sword from his father, he frequently lost both sparring and serious battles. Many other people he knew mocked him for this, insisting they did nothing when adults were around. Kit initially responded violently, but as he grew older he was told of the cosmic consequences and stopped out of fear, while still maintaining the hatred deep inside him.

As he became an adult, Kit set off into the multiverse, desperate to find a power that would prove himself superior to those who still ricocheted through his head. In time, he learned of the Ring of Light and its counterpart, the Heart of Darkness. Knowing his own violent ways and past sins, Kit set off in search of the Heart, eventually finding the planet where it was located.

Kit had to fight his way through other aliens, most of them believing the Heart was the Ring of Light. However, there was one, immensely powerful alien who disarmed Kit and began to beat him down, uttering insults the anthropomorph had heard before. Kit's rage reached its breaking point and the Heart reached out to him, transforming him into a Majin.

With his new power, Kit effortlessly struck down the enemy alien, but before he could land the killing blow, he stopped, because deep down he knew he was a good person. Swearing to distance himself from people who would use such words, Kit abandoned his previous form as a sign of turning over a new leaf.

Kit would then continue to travel around the multiverse, fighting various creatures and aliens. Gradually, he began to dabble into heroics, and realizing how good it felt, made them his life's calling. He eventually found the Rift Cafe and is now a regular customer.


One word describes Kit's personality on the surface: salty. He despises losing battles and being outclassed by others, despite his seeming acceptance that there will always be someone stronger than him. Kit actually wants to do the right thing, but his own ego and impatience can often get the better of him and lead him to make choices he regrets later on. However, he is quick to notice when he has made a mistake and will work to fix it... except for when he doesn't, as Gorebushaur The Leeching Swordsman and Omnisect the Unaccepting can attest to.



  • Height: 1.5 - 30 m
  • Weight: 50 kg - 20,000 t


Kit's human disguise carries a Kitsune Mask, which they hold up to their face to transform.

Powers and Weapons[]

  • Spirit Core: Kit's signature move, where he conjures an orb of Majin Energy. It is dark blue with a white core, and can cause a large explosion when fired.
    • Spirit Chorus: Kit's finisher, where he splits his tail into nine and conjures a Spirit Core on the end of each. They then fire destructive beams of Majin Energy.
  • Kit-tana: A katana similar to the Serpent-Hearted Blade. It is able to deflect beams and projectiles, and can be charged with Majin Energy to cut through nearly anything.
    • Moonrise Impulse: Kit's second finisher after the Spirit Chorus, where he releases a white energy slash from the Kit-tana. When it hits the opponent, they will be set on fire.
  • Prehensile Tails: Kit's tail can split freely into as many as nine. In a similar fashion to Tangle the Lemur's tail, they can all stretch out to be used as versatile weapons.
  • Ikari Aura: The ability Kit is infamous for, when angered, his brown fur turns white and he gains a white aura that empowers him and all of his abilities. The angrier he gets in this state, the more powerful he becomes, but he will be left exhausted afterward.
  • Un-Hush-Able: Kit's voice literally cannot be masked, whether in a soundproof room, having his mouth covered, or in a similar circumstance. Even Silence The Goldon's innate ability to make everything quiet does not effect Kit. Nobody is completely sure how he does this.
  • Laptop: A laptop Kit can use to write ideas down, take notes, or look up information on things he doesn't know. It can also be used as a shield, claw, or boomerang weapon. Its frame, keys and even screen are seemingly indestructible, as it can reflect beams, and can even operate to perfect function outdoors in the middle of a blizzard much stronger than anything on Earth. How he acquired it is unknown.


  • There is no trivia.